Upload up to five of your best photos of your unit to make your ad pop and attract more renters, or let our team of experts tailor the best images for your ad (available on Professional Memberships ONLY).
An automated weather station to display your property’s current weather information. That way your renters know how attractive the weather is!
Your ad will display an extract of the description text you enter, right on the search results page.
You also get a neat little map widget to show your potential renters where your unit is located and its surroundings.
Receive payments from renters through Latitude21Resorts.com automatically. Exclusive to the Professional level, this button allows a renter to make a payment for your week without requiring negotiation!
You receive one of our latest features, your ad gets its own make an offer button that allows renters to submit offers directly to you via your member login within Latitude21Resorts; so you can negotiate directly with the renter.
Hotel Reservations
Luxury Residence Rentals
Home Rentals (Airbnb Style)
Gift Cards
Wine Clubs
Ground Transportation
Car Rentals
Green Fees
Restaurant Savings
Worldwide Tour